Welcome to Lisa Buckley Music

By Josephine Lisa Buckley

About Me

My name is Josephine Buckley, although I’m known by my middle name, Lisa, to my university acquaintances. Despite my love for all things music, I never actually pursued a degree in music, nor did I have any plans on doing so. It was never anything more than a hobby, though a pretty major one.

My love for music all began as a toddler, when I became acquainted to Motorhead through my dad’s stereo. My passion for all things music has only grown over the years and I can reasonably listen to most things at least once. I’ve listened to a wide variety of artists and genres over the years, a lot of which I’ve loved, a lot of which I’ve hated, but it does not bother me because exploring new music is one of the things that keeps me going.

It’s ironic that a lot of people claim that music just isn’t what it used to be anymore. I say it’s the opposite. To me, there’s no better time to be a music fan than right now. Most of us have access to billions, possibly trillions of songs at the simple down movement of a fingertip. It’s like a superpower, almost.

In addition to listening to music, I also love to play music. I’ve been playing the keyboard since 2017 and the guitar since 2018. I don’t consider myself the greatest pianist or guitarist, but I’m at a comfortable skill level to the point where I can probably play 80% of most pop or rock music. In addition to piano and guitar, I can also play bass guitar and accordion, and am at a basic/beginner skillset for trumpet, saxophone, and the drums.

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